It's incredible how many English words are of Greek or Latin derivation.

Here are some words of the day:

toxic (adj.)
cardinal (noun)
homonym (noun)
to satisfy
technology (noun)
to complement
bicycle (noun)
trite (adj.)
morpheme (noun)
September (noun)
anodyne (adj.)
rubric (noun)
celery (noun)
pulchritude (noun)
exiguous (adj.)
explicit (adj.)



for translations: go to LEO (English & German)

previously posted in this list: abecedarian (noun, L), aleatory (adj., L), antithesis (G),to appropriate (L), to augur (L), candid (adj., L), categorical (adj., G), cronyism (noun, G), despot (G), deterioration (noun, L), eclectic (adj., G), edacious (adj., L), epoch (G), eristic (adj., G), to evince (L), to exacerbate (L), genteel (adj., L), gorgonize (verb, G),habeas corpus (noun, L), haptic (adj., G), indigence (L), indigenous (adj., G), misanthropy (noun, G), museum (noun, G), narcissus (noun, G), native (adj. L), panacea (noun, G), panache (noun, L), to ululate (L), utopia (G),


Last update: Nonis Septembribus MMV(!)