What is the Daily Buzzword for May 24? cardinal \KAR-duh-nul\ noun What does it mean? 1 : a high official of the Roman Catholic Church ranking next below the pope 2 : any of several American finches of which the male is bright red with a black face and a pointed bunch of feathers on its head How do you use it? Our new binoculars made it much easier to watch the cardinals build nests in our pine trees. Are you a word wiz? "Cardinal" derives from the Latin word "cardo." What do you think "cardo" mean? A. heart B. height C. hinge D. hope Answer: The hinge is an important piece of hardware, being the point upon which a door turns. The Romans therefore gave the word "cardo," or "hinge," the additional meanings of "something on which a development turns" and "something very important." They also created "cardinalis," meaning "very important, chief." Later, the Roman Catholic Church used "cardinalis" in referring to principal churches and priests. By the late Middle Ages, "cardinalis" was being used for "a clergyman of the highest rank, next to the pope." In English, "cardinalis" became "cardinal." And what of the finches? The bird's deep red color reminded people of the color of a cardinal's robes.